All logs - መዝገቦች ሁሉ
ይኸው መዝገብ ሁሉንም ያጠቅልላል። 1) የፋይሎች መዝገብ 2) የማጥፋት መዝገብ 3) የመቆለፍ መዝገብ 4) የማገድ መዝገብ 5) የመጋቢ አድራጎት መዝገቦች በያይነቱ ናቸው።
ከሳጥኑ የተወሰነ መዝገብ አይነት መምረጥ ይችላሉ። ከዚያ ጭምር በብዕር ስም ወይም በገጽ ስም መፈለግ ይቻላል።
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Airridi to አባል ውይይት:Airridi~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Airridi" to "Airridi~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Kifle to አባል ውይይት:Kifle~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Kifle" to "Kifle~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Llull to አባል ውይይት:Llull~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Llull" to "Llull~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Abebe to አባል ውይይት:Abebe~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Abebe" to "Abebe~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Spam cleanup script to አባል ውይይት:Spam cleanup script~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Spam cleanup script" to "Spam cleanup script~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Tehut to አባል ውይይት:Tehut~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Tehut" to "Tehut~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Samio to አባል ውይይት:Samio~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Samio" to "Samio~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ moved page አባል ውይይት:Tatari to አባል ውይይት:Tatari~amwikiquote without leaving a redirect (Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Tatari" to "Tatari~amwikiquote")
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Samio (0 edit) to Samio~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Tatari (5 edits) to Tatari~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Kifle (0 edit) to Kifle~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Spam cleanup script (0 edit) to Spam cleanup script~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Airridi (0 edit) to Airridi~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Llull (0 edit) to Llull~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Abebe (0 edit) to Abebe~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 21:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ renamed user Tehut (0 edit) to Tehut~amwikiquote (SUL finalization)
- 18:38, 16 ኤፕሪል 2015 User account Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ was created automatically
- 04:40, 7 ሴፕቴምበር 2014 Maintenance script ውይይት አስተዋጽኦ ገጹን አባል:Makecat/common.js አጠፋ (Deleting JavaScript page on user request due to deployment of mw:Help:Extension:GlobalCssJs)